
Roubloff nail design brushes. The brush strand is fixed with chemical-resistant glue. The handle of each brush is lacquered and retains its original appearance for a long time. There is no need to talk much about the quality of the brushes from the Ju.Bilej and Synthetic series, so we will wait to hear your impressions, which we are sure will only be positive!
Precio habitual Q58.00
Precio habitual Q89.00
Precio habitual Q52.00
Precio de venta Q130.00 Precio habitual Q294.00 En oferta
Precio habitual Q55.00
De Q55.00
Precio habitual Q55.00
Precio habitual Q110.00
Precio habitual Q45.00
Precio habitual Q62.00
De Q48.00
Precio habitual Q89.00