
Company name: Brands of I.Z.M e.U.

Legal address: Rudolf-Simon gasse 9/26. 1110 Wien. Austria.

The company is registered at the district court of 1030 Vienna under the commercial register number FN 568499 d. The company is economically active. 

Brands of I.Z.M e.U. is represented by: CEO Nikola Ilic


Property of the Company

BRANDS OF I.Z.M. e.U. According to the assessment of Creditreform based on the classification of economic sectors WZ 2008 (published by the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), Wiesbaden), it is assigned as follows:

Main industry: mail order and internet retail
Industry code: 47.91.0
Other business areas: 0 subsidiary industries

Umsatzsteuer-Identifikationsnummer (VAT identification number) according to § 27a of the Umsatzsteuergesetz (UStG, Sales Tax Law): ATU77484125