My account

Brands of I.Z.M offers you to register your account on our site. Registration is not mandatory but has its benefits, such as a faster ordering process because your data is stored in a database.

To Log in click HERE or register as a new user click HERE.

How can I cancel my subscription to the Brands of I.Z.M newsletter?

To stop receiving the newsletter, just go to my account and de-select the newsletter icon or click the button unsubscribe in email.

What happens to the data I insert?

The use of data conservation and privacy is in accordance with the privacy laws.

How can I access my profile after the initial registration?

To access your profile after your initial registration, just log in on the website, insert your username and password, then choose "enter" on the top right-hand side of the page.

What advantages come from registering?

Registering allows you to take advantage of numerous special offers. You will also receive exclusive special offers by registering to our newsletter. 

How can I modify my personal data after registering?

To modify your personal data, you must be recognised by the system. Once entered, select "my account". You will see a summary of the personal data stored; at this point you can modify it.

What if I forget my password to access my profile?

If you forget your password, the system offers you the standard procedure to generate a new password, and therefore allows you to access the system.